PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 334 - The 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2018) - Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
Light and strange quark masses for $N_f = 2 + 1$ simulations with Wilson fermions
J. Koponen*, M. Bruno, I. Campos Plasencia, C. Pena, D. Preti, A. Ramos Martinez, A. Vladikas  on behalf of the ALPHA collaboration
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Published on: May 29, 2019
We present a preliminary analysis of the $u/d$ and $s$ quark masses, extracted using the PCAC quark masses reported in PRD 95 (2017) 074504. The data is based on the CLS $N_f = 2 + 1$ simulations with Wilson/Clover quarks and Lüscher-Weisz gauge action, at four $\beta$ values (i.e. lattice spacings) and a range of quark masses. We use the Alpha results of EPJC 78 (2018) 387 for non-perturbative quark mass renormalisation and RG-running from hadronic to electroweak scales in the Schrödinger Functional scheme. Quark masses are quoted both in the $\overline{MS}$ scheme and as RGI quantities.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.334.0220
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