Interacting Bosons at Finite Angular Momentum Via Complex Langevin
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May 29, 2019
Quantum field theories with a complex action suffer from a sign problem in stochastic nonperturbative treatments, making many systems of great interest – such as polarized or mass-imbalanced fermions and QCD at finite baryon density – extremely challenging to treat numerically. Another such system is that of bosons at finite angular momentum; experimentalists have successfully achieved vortex formation in ultracold bosonic atoms, and have measured quantities of interest such as density profiles and the moment of inertia. However, the treatment of superfluids requires the use of complex bosons, making the usual numerical methods unusable. In this work, we apply complex Langevin, a method that has gained much attention in lattice QCD, to the calculation of basic properties of interacting bosons at finite angular momentum. We show preliminary results for the angular momentum and moment of inertia and benchmark calculations in the noninteracting limit.
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