Using the gradient flow, we calculated the nucleon mixing angle $\alpha_N$ and the nucleon electric dipole moment (EDM)
induced by the QCD $\theta$-term. To do so, we computed the topological charge, and the nucleon two-point and three-point correlation functions.
The purpose of these proceedings is to explore how the topological charge density interacts with the nucleon interpolation operators.
By understanding this relation, we can try to suppress noise contributions to the $\alpha_N$ and EDM signals by selecting
specific regions where the signal dominates.
Using gauge fields provided by PACS-CS at $N_{f}=2+1$, a first collection of ensembles were selected at a fixed lattice spacing
$a=0.0907$ fm ($\beta=1.90$), fixed dimensions $32^{3}\times 64$ and varying $m_{\pi}\approx\lbrace 411,\,570,\,701\rbrace$ MeV.
A second collection was selected at fixed $m_{\pi}\approx701$ MeV, fixed box size of $L\approx1.9$ fm and
varying $a=\lbrace 0.1215,\,0.0980,\,0.0685\rbrace $ fm.