Study of Track Reconstruction using Retina algorithm for charged particles in magnetic field
W. Deng*, G. De Lentdecker, G. Huang, F. Robert, Z. Song, D. Wang and Y. Yang
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: June 18, 2019
Published on: July 25, 2019
Real-time track reconstruction in high energy physics experiments at colliders running at high
luminosity is very challenging for trigger systems. When it is run on FPGAs, the Retina algorithm has
been used in High Energy Physics experiments mainly in the case of parallel plane detection layer
without magnetic field such as the LHCb VELO detector. However another interesting geometry is a
tracking detector with a barrel shape made of multiple concentric cylindrical layers surrounded by a
strong (several Tesla) magnetic field. In this paper we introduce our simulation work of reconstructing the
charged particle trajectory in the strong magnetic field environment by using the Retina algorithm under
the structure of this barrel shape detector. Based on simulations, preliminary results on the track
reconstruction resolution are presented
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