Design of a monolithic HR-CMOS sensor chip for the CLIC silicon tracker
I. Kremastiotis*, R. Ballabriga, N. Egidos and  On behalf of the CLICdp collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: May 21, 2019
Published on: July 25, 2019
The CLIC Tracker Detector (CLICTD) is a monolithic active pixel sensor targeted at the tracking detector of a future experiment at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). The chip features a matrix of ${16\times128}$ cells, each cell measuring $300\times30~\mu$m$^{2}$.
The cells are segmented in the long direction in order to maintain the benefits of the small collection electrode. In the digital logic, a simultaneous $8$-bit Time of Arrival and $5$-bit Time over Threshold measurement is performed. A $180$ nm HR-CMOS Imaging Process was selected for the design of a chip that will meet the requirements of the tracker at CLIC. In this document, the CLICTD design and chip interface are presented.
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