PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 348 - The 27th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2018) - Main session
Construction and Quality Assurance of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector
P.K. Resmi*, H. Aihara, T. Aziz, S. Bacher, S. Bahinipati, E. Barberio, T. Baroncelli, T. Baroncelli, A.K. Basith, G. Batignani, A. Bauer, P.K. Behera, V. Bertacchi, S. Bettarini, B. Bhuyan, T. Bilka, F. Bosi, L. Bosisio, A. Bozek, F. Buchsteiner, G. Caria, G. Casarosa, M. Ceccanti, D. Cervenkov, T. Czank, N. Dash, M. De Nuccio, Z. Dolezal, F. Forti, M. Friedl, B. Gobbo, J.A.M. Grimaldo, K. Hara, T. Higuchi, C. Irmler, A. Ishikawa, H.B. Jeon, C. Joo, M. Kaleta, J. Kandra, K.H. Kang, P. Kodys, T. Kohriki, I. Komorov, M. Kumar, R. Kumar, P. Kvasnicka, C. La Licata, K. Lalwani, L. Lanceri, J.Y. Lee, S.C. Lee, Y. Li, J. Libby, T. Lueck, P. Mammini, A. Martini, S.N. Mayekar, G.B. Mohanty, T. Morii, K.R. Nakamura, Z. Natkaniec, Y. Onuki, W. Ostrowicz, A. Paladino, E. Paoloni, H. Park, K. Prasanth, A. Profeti, K.K. Rao, I. Rashevskaya, G. Rizzo, M. Rozanska, D. Sahoo, J. Sasaki, N. Sato, S. Schultschik, C. Schwanda, J. Stypula, J. Suzuki, S. Tanaka, H. Tanigawa, G.N. Taylor, R. Thalmeier, T. Tsuboyama, P. Urquijo, L. Vitale, K. Wan, M. Watanabe, S. Watanuki, I.J. Watson, J. Webb, J. Wiechczynski, S. Williams, H. Yin, L. Zani and  On behalf of the BELLE II SVD collaborationet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: September 03, 2019
Published on: September 06, 2019
The Belle II experiment, which is situated at the interaction point of the SuperKEKB $e^+e^{-}$ collider at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, is expected to collect data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 50~ab$^{- 1}$. This data set will be sensitive to beyond-the-standard-model physics via precision measurements and searches for very rare decays. At its heart lies a six-layer vertex detector consisting of two layers of pixel detectors (PXD) and four layers of double-sided silicon microstrip detectors (SVD). Precise vertexing as provided by this device is essential for measurements of time-dependent $CP$ violation. Crucial aspects of the SVD assembly are precise alignment, as well as rigorous electrical and geometrical quality assurance. We present an overview of the construction of the SVD, including the precision gluing of SVD component modules and the wire-bonding of various electrical components. We also discuss the electrical and geometrical quality assurance tests.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.348.0051
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