STAR has previously reported significant transverse momentum imbalance of a specific set of di-jets selected with ``hard cores'', i.e. with a constituent cut of 2 GeV/$c$. After reclustering these same di-jets with a lower constituent cut of 200 MeV/$c$, the di-jet balance is restored to the level of $pp$ collisions within the original cone size of $R=0.4$.
The interpretation of these observations as resulting from tangential bias with restricted in-medium path lengths promised \emph{Jet Geometry Engineering} of jet production vertices through systematic variations of parameters such as centrality, the constituent $p_{T}$ cutoff, and the initial imbalance between the hard cores. We examine the sensitivity of the di-jet imbalance observable to variations in the di-jet definition, and explore the possibility of using Jet Geometry Engineering to study the path length dependence of jet energy loss in the QGP.