Lattice QCD calculation of the two-photon contributions to KL→μ+μ− and π0→e+e− decays
N.H. Christ*, X. Feng, L. Jin, C. Tu and Y. Zhao
Pre-published on:
February 10, 2020
Published on:
August 27, 2020
The rare second-order weak decay KL→μ+μ− is precisely measured and sensitive to the structure of the weak interactions at short distances. However, these effects are obscured by a large third-order, long-distance contribution to this decay in which the muon pair is created by two photons. We will discuss the prospects for computing this third-order electroweak process using lattice QCD. As a first step in such a calculation a method will be presented for the lattice calculation of the simpler two-photon decay π0→e+e−.
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