In 2019 the Austrian Citizen Science Conference (ACSC) celebrated its 5th anniversary.
We would like to take this anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on the development of the conference over the past 5 years. Since the beginning, the ACSC has been an
annual milestone in the development of the Citizen Science Network Austria (CSNA)and its associated online platform Österreich forscht, (Dörler and
Heigl, 2019). Österreich forscht was launched in 2014 by a collective of students under the supervision of Johann Zaller at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria. Part of this students collective were Daniel Dörler and Florian Heigl, the authors of this article, which are today also the coordinators of Österreich forscht, the CSNA and co-organizers of all ACSCs so far. The objectives of Österreich
forscht (since 2014) and of the CSNA (since 2017) are to (I) connect all citizen science (CS) stakeholders in Austria, (II) further develop the method of CS, (III) quality management on the platform and (IV) foster CS as scientific method in the scientific as well as the non-scientific community.