Light-front quantization is the same as instant-time quantization
P. Mannheim
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Pre-published on: May 06, 2020
Published on: May 26, 2020
Commutation or anticommutation relations quantized at equal instant time and commutation or anticommutation relations quantized at equal light-front time cannot be transformed into each other. While they would thus appear to describe different theories, we show that this is not in fact the case. In instant-time quantization unequal instant-time commutation or anticommutation relations for free scalar, fermion, or gauge boson fields are c-numbers. We show that when these unequal instant-time commutation or anticommutation relations are evaluated at equal light-front time they are identical to the equal light-front time commutation or anticommutation relations. Light-front quantization and instant-time quantization are thus the same and thus describe the same physics.
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