PoS - Proceedings of Science

Theoretical Advanced Study Institute 2020 "The Obscure Universe: Neutrinos and Other Dark Matters" - TASI2020

1-26 June, 2020
Boulder, Colorado, USA
published September 22, 2021
Entries on ADS

The program will consist of a pedagogical series of lectures and seminars. Lectures will be given over a four-week period, three or four lectures per day, Monday through Friday. The audience will be composed primarily of advanced theoretical graduate students. Experimentalists with a strong background in theory are also encouraged to apply. Some post-doctoral fellows will be admitted, but preference will be given to applicants who will not have received their Ph.D. before 2020. The minimum background needed to get full benefit of this TASI is a knowledge of quantum field theory and some familiarity with the Standard Model and issues beyond it. We hope to provide some subsidy, but students will need partial support from other sources. Rooms, meals, and access to all facilities will be provided at reasonable rates in beautifully located dormitories at the University of Colorado.

Editorial Board

Theoretical Advanced Study Institute 2020
Neutrinos in Astrophysics and Cosmology
PoS(TASI2020)001 pdf K. Abazajian
Dark Matter Experiments
PoS(TASI2020)002 file missing E. Dahl
Neutrino Mass Models
PoS(TASI2020)003 file missing A. de Gouvea
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
PoS(TASI2020)004 file missing L. Everett
Precision Tests of the Standard Model
PoS(TASI2020)005 pdf A. Freitas
Introduction to Neutrino Physics
PoS(TASI2020)006 file missing A. Friedland
The Physics of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: A Beginners Guide
PoS(TASI2020)007 pdf B. Jones
Dark Matter Indirect Detection
PoS(TASI2020)008 file missing T. Linden
Introduction to Cosmology
PoS(TASI2020)009 file missing M. Loverde
Quantum Information Science for Particle Theorists
PoS(TASI2020)010 pdf J. Lykken
Standard Model Effective Field Theories
PoS(TASI2020)011 file missing A. Martin
Amplitudes (for phenomenologists)
PoS(TASI2020)012 file missing D. O'Connell
Perturbative QCD Calculations
PoS(TASI2020)013 file missing L. Reina
Introduction to Dark Matter
PoS(TASI2020)014 file missing M. Schmaltz
Statistics for Theorists
PoS(TASI2020)015 file missing M. Schmitt
Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
PoS(TASI2020)016 file missing K. Scholberg
Collider Physics
PoS(TASI2020)017 file missing S. Su