Mass-split composite Higgs models naturally accommodate the experimental observation of a light 125 GeV Higgs boson and predict a large scale separation to other heavier resonances. We explore the SU(3) gauge system with four light (massless) and six heavy (massive) flavors by performing numerical simulations. Since the underlying system with degenerate and massless ten flavors appears to be infrared conformal, this system inherits conformal hyperscaling and allows to study near-conformal dynamics. Carrying out nonperturbative lattice field theory simulations, we present the low-lying particle spectrum. We demonstrate hyperscaling, predict the anomalous mass dimension of the corresponding conformal fixed point, and show that in the investigated mass regime the data are described by dilaton chiral perturbation theory. The proximity of a conformal infrared fixed point leads to a highly predictive particle spectrum which is quite distinct from QCD. Further we present initial results of our finite temperature investigations.
For the Lattice Strong Dynamics collaboration