Overview of the Path to 0.01% Theoretical Luminosity Precision for the FCC-ee and Its Possible Synergistic Effects for Other FCC Precision Theory Requirements
B.F.L. Ward*,
S. Jadach,
W. Placzek,
M. Skrzypek and
S. Yost*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
March 07, 2021
Published on:
April 15, 2021
To exploit properly the precision physics program at the FCC-ee, the theoretical precision tag on
the respective luminosity will need to be improved from the 0.054% (0.061%) results at LEP to
0.01%, where the former (latter) LEP result has (does not have) the pairs correction. We present
an overview of the roads one may take to reach the required 0.01% precision tag at the FCC-ee
and we discuss possible synergistic effects of the walk along these roads for other FCC precision
theory requirements
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.390.0704
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