We introduce a strongly interacting lattice field theory model containing two flavors of massless
staggered fermions with two kind of interactions: (1) a lattice current-current interaction, and
(2) an on-site four-fermion interaction. At weak couplings, we expect a massless fermion phase
since our interactions become irrelevant at long distances. At strong couplings, based on previous
studies, we argue that our lattice model contains two different massive fermion phases with
different mechanisms of fermion mass generation. In one phase, fermions become massive through
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) via the formation of a fermion bilinear condensate. In
the other phase, fermion mass arises through a more exotic mechanism without the formation of
any fermion bilinear condensate. Our lattice model is free of sign problems and can be studied
using the fermion bag algorithm. The longer term goal here is to study both these mass generation
phenomena in a single model and understand how different phases come together.