QCD Equation of State and Phase Diagram from Holographic Black Holes
J. Grefa*, J. Noronha, J. Noronha-Hostler, I. Portillo, C. Ratti and R. Rougemont
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: August 29, 2022
Published on: September 01, 2022
By using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we construct an Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton model to map the thermodynamics of strongly interacting matter. The holographic model, constrained to reproduce the lattice QCD equation of state at zero baryon chemical potential, predicts a critical end point and a first order phase transition line. We also obtain the equation of state of the model for a large region of the phase diagram. We characterize the crossover transition region by two lines, one associated to the inflection of the second order baryon susceptibility, and another one associated to the minimum of the square of the speed of sound along trajectories of constant entropy per baryon number. We observe that both lines merge at the critical point.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.400.0045
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