PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 407 - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022 (ACSC2022) - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022
Benefits and Challenges of Participatory Design in Agriculture: The Example of the FieldMApp
S. Truckenbrodt, M. Enderling, E. Borg, C.C. Schmullius and F. Klan*
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Published on: January 02, 2023
Using the example of the development and testing of the FieldMApp, a digital application for capturing and characterizing agricultural low-yielding areas within acreages during farmers' operational field management, the paper highlights the benefits and challenges of participatory design approaches to product development. The article is based on and extends our findings presented as a poster at the Austrian Citizen Science Conference in June 2022.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.407.0012
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