PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 407 - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022 (ACSC2022) - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022
Open Public Humanities – towards linked open local history
C. Erlinger
Full text: pdf
Published on: January 02, 2023
In the humanities, there are traditionally some subfields, like local and regional studies, where the engagement of citiziens is responsible for a large part of the knowledge production. Currently, this work mostly follows traditional patterns of knowledge communication: publication in closed-access journals or by publishing printed monographs in very small editions. Works published in this way is therefore rarely perceived outside of the research community. Open and digital knowledge communication accompanying traditional channels not only increases the visibility of citizen science works but also facilitates their further use, reproduction and citability. A mix of open and digital methods is demonstrated by the example of the project "Kamptaler Sakrallandschaften": Complementary to the printed publication, all documented small monuments are recorded in a structured way in Wikidata, and the image material is stored under a free license.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.407.0023
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