Light-flavor resonance dynamics in the $U(3)$ chiral theory
Z. Guo
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Pre-published on: February 07, 2024
Published on: March 07, 2024
We review the recent developments on the light-flavor resonances in the $U(3)$ chiral effective filed theory.
The spectral function sum rules and the semilocal duality in the scattering, which will be focus of this note, can provide us interesting and useful theoretical objects to bridge the hadron resonances in the intermediate energy region and the QCD behaviors in the asymptotic region. First the calculations of the meson-meson scattering amplitudes and factor factors are elaborated. The scalar spectral functions are then calculated in terms of the unitarized scalar form factors. The scalar and pseudoscalar spectral function sum rules in our study are found to be consistent with the asymptotic behavior of QCD in the chiral limit. The semilocal duality is found to be generally well satisfied, indicating the necessary cancellations of different contributions from different resonances indeed happen in the scattering amplitudes. The $N_C$ evolutions of the resonance poles, the ratios to quantify the semilocal duality and the spectral function integrals are also paid special attention to in this note.
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