Endpoint factorization and next-to-leading power resummation of gluon thrust
M. Beneke*, M. Garny, S. Jaskiewicz, J. Strohm, R. Szafron, L. Vernazza and J. Wang
*: corresponding author
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Published on: October 20, 2022
Endpoint divergences in the convolution integrals appearing in
next-to-leading-power factorization theorems prevent a straightforward application of standard methods to resum large
logarithmic power-suppressed corrections in collider physics.
We study the power-suppressed configuration of the thrust
distribution in the two-jet region, where a gluon-initiated jet recoils against
a quark-antiquark pair. With the aid
of operatorial endpoint factorization conditions, we derive
a factorization formula where the individual terms are free from
endpoint divergences and can be written in
terms of renormalized hard, (anti) collinear, and soft functions in four
dimensions. This framework enables us to perform the
first resummation of the
endpoint-divergent SCET$_{\rm I}$ observables at the leading
logarithmic accuracy using
exclusively renormalization-group methods.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.416.0068
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