Flux distribution study of PKS 0208-512 using long-term multi-band observations
R. Khatoon*, M. Boettcher and R. Prince
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: November 29, 2023
Published on: December 27, 2023
We conduct a flux distribution study of the blazar PKS 0208-512 through nearly ∼ 9 years (2008 - 2017) of optical, X-ray and γ-ray lightcurves using SMARTS, Swift-XRT and Fermi-LAT
telescopes, respectively. In this study, we use the Anderson-Darling (AD) test and histogram fitting methods to analyze the flux distribution of selected lightcurves. The AD test and histogram fitting reveal that the flux distribution of PKS 0208-512 follows a double lognormal distribution in all energy bands, possibly connected to two flux states of the source. The broadband spectral study of PKS 0208-512 suggested that the optical and γ-ray bands are beyond the break energies of the synchrotron and inverse-Compton components, which in turn suggest that these emissions are caused by the highest-energy electrons. The X-ray band is below the break energy of the inverse-Compton component suggesting that the low-energy electron distribution is responsible for this emission.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.426.0002
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