Exploring the phase structure of the multi-flavor Schwinger model with quantum computing
L. Funcke, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, S. Kühn*, M.O. Pleinert, S. Schuster and J. von Zanthier
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Pre-published on: January 26, 2023
Published on: April 06, 2023
We propose a variational quantum eigensolver suitable for exploring the phase structure of the multi-flavor Schwinger model in the presence of a chemical potential. The parametric ansatz circuit we design is capable of incorporating the symmetries of the model, present in certain parameter regimes, which allows for reducing the number of variational parameters substantially. Moreover, the ansatz circuit can be implementated on both measurement-based and circuit-based quantum hardware. We numerically demonstrate that our ansatz circuit is able to capture the phase structure of the model and allows for faithfully approximating the ground state. Our results show that our approach is suitable for current intermediate-scale quantum hardware and can be readily implemented on existing quantum devices.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.430.0020
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