Charm baryons at finite temperature on anisotropic lattices
R. Bignell*, G. Aarts, C. Allton, M.N. Anwar, T. Burns and B. Jäger
Pre-published on:
January 04, 2023
Published on:
April 06, 2023
Singly, doubly and triply charmed baryons are investigated at multiple temperatures using the anisotropic FASTSUM 'Generation 2L' ensembles. We discuss the temperature dependence of these baryons’ spectra in both parity channels with a focus on the confining phase. To further qualify the behaviour of these states around the pseudocritical temperature, we investigate the effect of chiral symmetry restoration for light quarks. We find that an estimate of the pseudocritical temperature can still be found from positive and negative-parity charmed baryon correlators, even when parity doubling itself is not very evident (as expected).
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