QCD topology with electromagnetic fields and the axion-photon coupling
B. Brandt,
F. Cuteri,
G. Endrodi,
J.J. Hernández* and
G. Marko*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
March 02, 2023
Published on:
April 06, 2023
The introduction of non-orthogonal electric and magnetic fields in the QCD vacuum enhances the weight of topological sectors with a nonzero topological charge. For weak fields, there is a linear response for the expectation value of the topological charge. We study this linear response and relate it to the QCD correction to the axion-photon coupling. We also analyse the magnetic field dependence of the topological susceptibility for a range of temperatures around $T_c$. In this work we use lattice simulations with improved staggered quarks at physical masses, including background magnetic and (imaginary) electric fields.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.430.0174
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