Recent 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections to Deep-Inelastic Scattering
J. Blümlein*, A. Behring, A. Goedicke, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald, J. Ablinger and A. De Freitas
Pre-published on:
August 21, 2023
Published on:
January 22, 2024
We report on recent progress in calculating the three loop QCD corrections of the heavy flavor
contributions in deep--inelastic scattering and the massive operator matrix elements of the variable flavor
number scheme. Notably we deal with the operator matrix elements $A_{gg,Q}^{(3)}$ and $A_{Qg}^{(3)}$ and
technical steps to their calculation. In particular, a new method to obtain the inverse Mellin transform
without computing the corresponding $N$--space expressions is discussed.
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