Towards removal of striped phase in matrix model description of fuzzy field theories
J. Tekel*, M. Subjakova, D. Prekrat, D. Ranković, S. Kovacik and K.N. Todorović Vasović
Published on:
November 08, 2023
The UV/IR-mixing phenomenon of non-commutative field theories is manifested by the existence of a non-local, striped phase in the scalar field theory, where the field does not oscillate around the same value in the whole space. We will consider modifications of the standard "kinetic term plus potential" actions for Hermitian matrix models which describe theories free of the UV/IR-mixing and discuss the expected receding of the striped phase in the phase diagram. We will present results for the case of the modified theory on the fuzzy sphere and for the truncated Heisenberg algebra formulation of the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model on the plane.
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