PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 438 - 11th International Conference on Hard and Elecctromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HardProbes2023) - Early time dynamics and nuclear PDFs
Universality of sound modes in kinetic theory
X. Du*, S. Ochsenfeld and S. Schlichting
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Published on: February 16, 2024
We present a simple approach to extract hydrodynamic sound modes and non-hydrodynamic modes in kinetic theories from response functions of the energy-momentum tensor. By comparing the response functions in four types of kinetic theories, namely the Relaxation-Time Approximation, scalar $\phi^4$ theory, SU(3) Yang-Mills theory and QCD kinetic theory, we find a remarkable degree of universality for the sound mode, even beyond the hydrodynamic regime.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.438.0049
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