Social disparities in students’ access to STEM and Art
Published on:
November 14, 2023
The aim of the project "Circus of Knowledge" is to investigate the extent to which art in science education, for example drama and dance, contributes to increasing pupils’ interest in STEM topics. As there are no comparable studies in Austria yet, both primary and secondary level are researched. To do so, we surveyed 419 children aged between of 10 and 15 years. Specifically, we investigated whether students from a socially disadvantaged background (i.e., students who rarely or never speak German at home or students with parents having less prestigious jobs) report less experience with art and science than students from a more privileged background. Our analyses showed that students’ social background is not linked to students’ STEM and Art experiences. Rather, gender and age play a significant role inpredicting experiences with STEM and Art.
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