The Storytelling Café as a Citizen Science Method: generating knowledge, communication and education
B. Pichler*, G. Dressel, E. Hutter, E. Reitinger and K. Heimerl
*: corresponding author
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Published on: November 14, 2023
Storytelling Cafés are well established in different fields of action and research: oral history, education, community work, care for elderly people. Within the project “Storytelling about caring cultures at the end of life. Students and Citizen Scientists are doing research in intergenerational and intercultural exchange (SoKuL)" the method will be established as collaborative social science research method within a Citizen Scientists framework. In formulating theses on the contribution of Storytelling Cafés to principles of Citizen Science we argue how this narrative group method can be integrated into the methodological repertoire. Citizen Science takes place in a kind of in-between space where appropriate methods are needed to enable good understanding between citizens and scientists and also to be able to work well together. The Storytelling Café is a particularly suitable method for Citizen Science projects in this respect.
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