Innovation Data Sprint in Citizen Social Sciences
S. Segler* and J. Gantenberg
*: corresponding author
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Published on: November 14, 2023
The concept of data sprint is tested and implemented in the citizen social science project "Exploring
Society Together" (GINGER), to explore the issue of how to provide co-interpretation of big data
sets with citizen scientists and what infrastructure is needed to design research in dialogue with
citizens. Therefore we tested in GINGER the participatory research format of a public data
sprint in which big data sets are analyzed and interpreted in cooperation between researchers and
citizen scientists according to scientific standards. Public data sprints are innovative formats in
the transitive field of science communication and citizen sciences. The innovation of public data
sprints in citizen social science formats lies in the short and intensively research collaboration
between citizens and scientists who explore a research topic and data set together within just
multiple consecutive days. Each data print focuses on a specific topic, in this case digital social
and political network analysis and polarization tendencies of politicians on X (formerly Twitter).
The data and digital infrastructure in this discussed format is provided by „Exploration of Political
Information Networks“ (EPINetz). With the support of extremely low-threshold applications to
analyze data digitally, as by EPINetz, data sprints provide excellent opportunities for broadening
perspectives in social science disciplines by having many people working and thinking in a
concentrated way on one or more small topic-related problems or puzzles of social phenomena
analyzed, based on big data information.
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