People with so-called intellectual disabilities are underrepresented in Citizen Science projects. The topic of urban health offers an extensive field of application for Citizen Science projects and digital methods have the potential to involve many, and diverse people. The DiMDiCi (Digital Mapping with Disabled Citizens) project integrates these three areas.
The project investigates how the needs of people with so-called intellectual disabilities for movement and participation in (semi-)public space can be captured with the help of digital methods and integrated into municipal planning processes. Photovoice and digital maptables are used as barrier-sensitive digital methods and applications are further developed.
Our goal is to develop methods with which more and other people can participate in society in general and in urban development and research in particular.
DiMDiCi is a pilot project in the European COESO project and is being worked on jointly by the University of Applied Sciences in Bochum, the University of Twente, the Wittekindshof as an institution for people with disabilities and the city of Herne.