Cosmic Microwave Background Observations: looking for the Cosmic Web through the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect
E. Battistelli*
on behalf of the MISTRAL Collaboration*: corresponding author
Published on:
April 17, 2024
Galaxy clusters and surrounding medium, can be studied using X-ray bremsstrahlung emission and Sunyaev Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. Both astrophysical probes, sample the same environment with different parameters dependance. The SZ effect is relatively more sensitive in low density environments and thus is useful to study the filamentary structures of the cosmic web. In addition, observations of the matter distribution require high angular resolution in order to be able to map the matter distribution within and around galaxy clusters. High sensitivity, high angular resolution millimetric cameras are needed to fully exploit low density environment which could reveal the presence of the missing baryons.
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