The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments marked a significant milestone, subsequently elevating the measurement of Higgs boson properties to a priority within the experimental particle physics community. As of now, measurements at the LHC have including the Yukawa couplings to the third family ($t$, $b$, and $\tau$) and the Higgs boson mass.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has proposed the Future Circular Collider (FCC) as a successor to the Large Hadron Collider, with an aim to achieve high-precision measurements of Higgs boson properties. This document explains the utilization of the "recoil mass" technique to assess several key parameters at the FCC, including the Higgs boson mass, ZH cross-section, Higgs boson self-coupling, various Higgs boson couplings, Higgs boson width, and the electron Yukawa coupling. This document aims to present the potential advancements in our understanding of Higgs boson properties with FCC.