Analytic continuation of the finite-volume three-particle amplitudes
Pre-published on:
May 05, 2024
Published on:
November 06, 2024
One has to study multivariable scattering amplitudes to extract properties of the three-body states from the generalizations of the $L\ddot{u}scher$ finite-volume formalism. In particular, a three-body amplitude obtained from a Lattice QCD calculation must be analytically continued to unphysical Riemann sheets of the complex energy plane, where resonances of interest appear as poles. In this article, we provide a pedagogical overview of a method for solving and analytically continuing the on-shell integral equations describing a three-body elastic scattering process. We illustrate the procedure by applying it to a relativistic system of three identical bosons characterized by pair-wise interactions. We describe the analytic structure of the reaction amplitude, show how to access its physical and unphysical Riemann sheets, and analyze the behavior of the three-body spectrum under variations of the interaction parameters.
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