Searching for the QCD critical point using Lee-Yang edge singularities
D.A. Clarke*, P. Dimopoulos, F. DiRenzo, J. Goswami, C. Schmidt, S. Singh and K. Zambello
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: May 01, 2024
Published on: November 06, 2024
Using $N_f=2+1$ QCD calculations at physical quark mass and purely imaginary baryon chemical potential, we locate Lee-Yang edge singularities in the complex chemical potential plane. These singularities have been obtained by the multi-point Padé approach applied to the net baryon number density. We recently showed that singularities extracted with this approach are consistent with universal scaling near the Roberge-Weiss transition. Here we study the universal scaling of these singularities in the vicinity of the QCD critical endpoint. Making use of an appropriate scaling ansatz, we extrapolate these singularities on $N_\tau=6$ and $N_\tau=8$
lattices towards the real axis to estimate the position of a possible QCD critical point. We find an approach toward the real axis with decreasing temperature. We compare this estimate with a HotQCD estimate obtained from poles of a [4,4]-Padé resummation of the eighth-order Taylor expansion of the QCD pressure.
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