Axial U(1) symmetry near the pseudocritical temperature in $N_f=2+1$ lattice QCD with chiral fermions
 JLQCD Collaboration:, S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, H. Fukaya*, S. Hashimoto, I. Kanamori, T. Kaneko, Y. Nakamura, C. Rohrhofer, K. Suzukih and D. Ward
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: May 02, 2024
Published on: November 06, 2024
We study the $U(1)_A$ anomaly at high temperatures of $N_f=2+1$ lattice QCD with chiral fermions. Gauge ensembles are generated with M\"obius
domain-wall (MDW) fermions, and the measurements are reweighted to those with overlap fermions. We report on the results for the Dirac spectra, the $U(1)_A$ susceptibility, and the topological susceptibility in the temperature range of $T=136$, $153$, $175$, and $204$ MeV, where the up and down quark masses are set to be near the physical point as well as at lighter or heavier masses.
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