In this proceeding, we present our ongoing calculations related to the thermodynamics of (2+1)-flavor Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) using {\MBS}. This report presents our findings on the second order quark number susceptibilities and conserved charge fluctuations. These calculations were performed on the line of constant physics (LCP), where the light quark mass $m_l$ is set to $0.1$ times the strange quark mass $m_s$.
Additionally, we use the hadron resonance gas (HRG) model to compare against our results. This comparison is specific to temperatures at or below the pseudo-critical temperature, denoted as $T_{pc}$. We determine the pseudo-critical temperature from a preliminary analysis using the peak of the disconnected chiral susceptibility for the LCP with $m_l = 0.1m_s$ to be $T_{pc} = 165(2)~\rm{MeV}$.