Volume 453 - The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2023) - Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei
The parity-odd structure function of nucleon from the Compton amplitude
K.U. Can*, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, P. Rakow, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben, R. Young and J. Zanotti
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: May 03, 2024
Published on: November 06, 2024
The dominant contribution to the theoretical uncertainty in the extracted weak parameters of the Standard Model comes from the hadronic uncertainties in the electroweak boxes, i.e. $\gamma-W^\pm/Z$ exchange diagrams. A dispersive analysis relates the box diagrams to the parity-odd structure function, $F_3$, for which the experimental data either do not exist or belong to a separate isospin channel. Therefore a first-principles calculation of $F_3$ is highly desirable.

In this contribution, we report on the QCDSF/UKQCD Collaboration's progress in calculating the moments of the $F_3^{\gamma Z}$ structure function from the forward Compton amplitude at the SU(3) symmetric point.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.453.0311
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