The use of an intense ultrashort laser pulse to induce electron polarization has been proposed in existing literature [6]. Utilizing the Python programming language, a code has been developed to recreate the local constant crossed-field approximation (LCFA) with the aim of determining values for transverse polarization given a nonzero initial polarization. It has been shown that over multiple laser shots, lower values of the quantum efficiency parameter are associated with higher transverse polarization output, yet require a greater number of shots to attain maximal polarization. Moreover, the quantum efficiency parameter has been redefined as a function of intensity for Ti:sapphire laser necessary to induce polarization in the Electron-Ion Collider.
[6] D. Seipt, D. Del Sorbo, C. P. Ridgers and A. G. R. Thomas, Phys. Rev. A 98 (2018) no.2,
023417 doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.98.023417 [arXiv:1805.02027 [hep-ph]].