PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 463 - Corfu Summer Institute 2023 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" (CORFU2023) - Workshop on Quantum Gravity, Strings and the Swampland
A point of view of gravity
H.B. Nielsen
Full text: pdf
Published on: July 31, 2024
We want here to put forward the point of view, that one can look at general relativity as having
gravity theory as imbedded in space time (the manifold) with only the manifold structure or at a
much more symmetric space for the imbedding than the usual metric space time. At least some
scaling symmetry should be present in the background spacetime. The obvious examples for such
a background space time is just the manifold, or 4-dimensional projective geomtry space. Such a
spontaneous breakdown role for the fields of gravity will suggest that the reparametrization of the
coordinate descrition of generel relativity could be genuine physical d.o.f. and it such a case would
have huge fluctuations. If one had a physically existing lattice (or even a different cut off) then
this lattice would fluctuate relative to our usual type coordinates. It would mean asuperposition
(or mixing) of hugely different sides links in the lattice. In such a “fluctuating lattice”looking
at different dimensionalities of Lagrangian density terms one would get different lattice scales,
so that such a model could tolerate that there were several different fundamentalenegry scales
for: See saw neutrinoes, (possibly approximate) unification of gauge couplings, Planck scale(for
gravty). We predict a relation between these three “fundamental byescales”.
We shall review a “derivation” by Astri Kleppe and myself of locality for such a space-time with
especially scaling symmetry, as well as phenomenological finding from micro wave back gound
measurements suggesting that the real world is imbedded into a projective space time.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.463.0220
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