The interaction between nucleon and charmonia (J/ψ and ηc) is expected to deepen our understanding of various aspects in nonperturbative QCD ranging from the origin of nucleon mass to J/ψ mass modification in nuclear medium and properties of hidden-charm pentaquark states. Here, we present the low-energy NJ/ψ and Nηc interactions based on (2+1) flavor lattice QCD simulations with nearly physical pion mass mπ=146 MeV. The interactions, extracted from the spacetime correlations of the nucleon and charmonium system by using the HAL QCD method, are found to be attractive in all distances and manifest a characteristic long-range tail consistent with the two-pion exchange interaction.
The resulting scattering lengths are around 0.3 fm, 0.4 fm and 0.2 fm for NJ/ψ with spin 3/2, with spin 1/2, and Nηc, respectively.
Our results are orders of magnitude larger than those from the photoproduction experiments assuming the vector meson dominance.