The first part of these lecture notes is mostly devoted to a comparative discussion of the three basic large $N$ limits, which apply to fields which are vectors, matrices, or tensors of rank three and higher. After a brief review of some physical applications of large $N$ limits, we present a few solvable examples in zero space-time dimension. Using models with fields in the fundamental representation of $O(N)$, $O(N)^2$, or $O(N)^3$ symmetry, we compare their combinatorial properties and highlight a competition between the snail and melon diagrams. We exhibit the different methods used for solving the vector, matrix, and tensor large $N$ limits. In the latter example we review how the dominance of melonic diagrams follows when a special ``tetrahedral" interaction is introduced.
The second part of the lectures is mostly about the fermionic quantum mechanical tensor models, whose large $N$ limits are similar to that in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. The minimal Majorana model with $O(N)^3$ symmetry and the tetrahedral Hamiltonian is reviewed in some detail; it is the closest tensor counterpart of the SYK model. Also reviewed are generalizations to complex fermionic tensors, including a model with $SU(N)^2\times O(N)\times U(1)$ symmetry, which is a tensor counterpart of the complex SYK model. The bosonic large $N$ tensor models, which are formally tractable in continuous spacetime dimension, are reviewed briefly at the end.