Extraction of chiral order parameters from $\eta \to 3\pi$ and $\pi\pi$ scattering
M. Kolesar* and
J. Novotny*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
February 19, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
The $\eta$$\,\to\,$$3\pi$ decays and $\pi\pi$ scattering are a valuable source of information on low energy QCD. We use a Bayesian approach in the framework of resummed chiral perturbation theory to extract information on the three flavor quark condensate and pseudoscalar decay constant in the chiral limit from these processes, as well as the mass difference of the light quarks. We compare our results with recent $\chi$PT and lattice QCD fits and find some tension, as the $\eta$$\,\to\,$$3\pi$ data seem to prefer a larger ratio of the chiral order parameters. The results also seem to disfavor a large value of the chiral decay constant, which was found by some recent works.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.310.0222
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