New results on spin and 3D structure measurements
H. Gao*, T. Liu and Z. Zhao
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: September 20, 2018
Published on: November 23, 2018
The nucleon spin structure has puzzled the physics community for about 30 years since the original
discovery made by the EMC collaboration in late 1980s that the quark spin only contributes
a small fraction to the nucleon spin. With major efforts from both theoretical and experimental
sides, the quark spin contribution is relatively well known and the gluon spin contribution is becoming
known in recent years. To fully understand the nucleon spin structure, the study has gone
beyond one dimensional to three dimensional (3D) to probe the confined motion and access the
orbital angular momentum of the partons inside the nucleon. In this paper, we briefly review the
experimental status and the progress during the last year on the study of nucleon spin and 3D
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