One-pion exchange defines the longest-range part of the NN interaction, controls the near-threshold energy dependence of the scattering amplitude and imposes correlations between the coefficients in the effective range expansion. These correlations may be regarded as low-energy theorems. We discuss the low-energy theorems for unphysical pion masses and consider various applications to test recent lattice QCD results. In particular, we demonstrate that the binding energies of the deuteron and dineutron obtained by the NPLQCD Collaboration at a pion mass of $M_\pi=450$ MeV are inconsistent with the low-energy behavior of the corresponding phase shifts within the quoted uncertainties. Using the binding energies of the deuteron and dineutron as input, we employ the low-energy theorems to predict the phase shifts and extract the scattering length and the effective range in the ${}^3S_1$ and
${}^1S_0$ channels.