Probing violations of CPT with $B_d$ mesons
M. Nebot
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Pre-published on: August 22, 2018
Published on: August 24, 2018
We establish the precise connection between the theoretical T, CP, CPT asymmetries, in terms of transition probabilities between the neutral meson $B_d$ states, and the experimental asymmetries, in terms of the double decay rate intensities for Flavour-CP eigenstate decay products in a B-Factory of entangled states. Genuine asymmetry parameters in the time distribution of the asymmetries are identified and their measurability analysed, disentangling genuine and possible fake terms. The nine asymmetry parameters -- three different observables for each one of the three symmetries -- are expressed in terms of the ingredients of the Weisskopf-Wigner dynamical description of the entangled $B_d$-meson states and we obtain a global fit to their values from the BaBar Collaboration experimental results. The possible fake terms are all compatible with zero. The information content of the nine asymmetry parameters is indeed different. The non-vanishing $\DScT =-0.687\pm 0.020 $ and $\DScCP=-0.680\pm 0.021$ are impressive separate direct evidence of Time-Reversal-Violation and CP-Violation in these transitions (and compatible with Standard Model expectations). A 2$\sigma$ effect for the Re($\theta$) parameter responsible of CPT-Violation appears; interpreted as an upper limit, it leads to $|M_{\bar B^0\bar B^0}-M_{B^0B^0}| < 4.0\times 10^{-5}$ eV at 95\% C.L. for the diagonal flavour terms of the mass matrix. Finally, we consider scenarios where, in the presence of quantum gravity fluctuations (space-time foam), the CPT operator may be ill-defined. Its perturbative treatment leads to a modification of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlation of the neutral meson system by adding an Entanglement-weakening term of
the wrong exchange symmetry, the $\omega$-effect. The analysis is extended to identify how to probe the complex $\omega$ when the connection between
the Intensities for the two time-ordered decays $(f,g)$ and $(g,f)$ is lost ($f$ flavour and $g$ CP eigenstate decay channels), and how the $\omega$-effect is disentangled from CPT violation in the evolution Hamiltonian.
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