Comparison between models of QCD with and without dynamical charm quarks
S. Cali*,
F. Knechtli and
T. Korzec*: corresponding author
Published on:
May 29, 2019
We investigate the influence of dynamical charm quarks on observables that depend explicitly on the charm quark fields, like the pseudo-scalar and vector masses mηc and mJ/ψ, the hyperfine splitting (mJ/ψ−mηc)/mηc, the charm quark mass and the meson decay constants. For this purpose, instead of working in full QCD we study a simplified setup. We simulate two theories: Nf=0 QCD and QCD with Nf=2 dynamical quarks at the charm mass. The absence of light quarks allows us to reach extremely fine lattice spacings (0.02 fm < a < 0.05 fm) which are crucial for reliable continuum extrapolations. Our main result is a comparison of various quantities in the continuum limit. For the hyperfine splitting we find that the effects of a dynamical charm quark are below our statistical precision of 2%.
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