Determination of the N$_f$=12 step scaling function using Möbius domain wall fermions
A. Hasenfratz*, C. Rebbi and O. Witzel
Published on:
May 29, 2019
We calculate the renormalized step scaling function for twelve fundamental flavors nonperturbatively by determining the gradient flow coupling on gauge field configurations generated with dynamical stout-smeared M\"obius domain wall fermions and Symanzik gauge action. Using Zeuthen, Symanzik, and Wilson flow we measure the energy density with three different operators. Our updated analysis is based on up to five volume pairs ranging from $L^4=8^4$ up to $32^4$. Predictions for the infinite volume extrapolated step scaling function based on different flows and operators are mutually consistent. Our new results confirm the previously observed significant discrepancy with staggered fermion simulations in a wide range of the renormalized coupling.
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