Porting DDalphaAMG solver to K computer
K.I. Ishikawa and I. Kanamori*
Published on:
May 29, 2019
We port Domain-Decomposed-alpha-AMG solver to the K computer. The system has 8 cores and 16 GB memory per node, of which theoretical peak is 128 GFlops (82,944 nodes in total). Its feature, as many as 256 registers per core and as large as 0.5 byte/Flop ratio, requires a different tuning from other machines. In order to use more registers, we change some of the data structure and rewrite matrix-vector operations with intrinsics. The performance is improved by more than a factor two for twelve solves including the setup. The efficiency is still about 5% after the optimization, which is lower than a previously tuned mixed precision solver for the K computer, 22%. The throughput is, however, more than two times better for a physical point configuration.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.334.0310
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