We consider a $T^6/[\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2 ]$ type-IIB O3-O7 orientifold model with all the possible non-geometric fluxes
included. We show that the tadpole conditions can all be cancelled by including space-filling branes which are all compatible with supersymmetry. We discuss the exotic nature of most of these branes, and show how they naturally couple to mixed-symmetry potentials.
We then move to discuss gauged supergravity theories in any dimension, and show that in general if one performs a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ truncation that halves the amount of supersymmetry, the quadratic constraints that survive this truncation but are not required by the supersymmetry of the truncated theory are always in one-to-one correspondence with the space-filling branes that all preserve the same supersymmetry of such theory. This is an overview of the results published in references [1] and [2].