$a_S$ from the QCD static energy
N. Brambilla*,
A. Bazavov,
X. Garcia i Tormo,
P. Petreczky,
J. Soto,
A. Vairo and
J.H. Weber*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
September 13, 2019
We present our latest determination of the strong coupling constant αs from the Quantum Chromodynamics static energy:αs(mZ) =0.1166+0.0012−0.0008, extracted at three loops with leading ultrasoft log resummation. The determination is based on a combination of lattice data on the static energy at small quark-antiquark distance and perturbative high-order calculations of the static energy for small quark-antiquark distance. We discuss further improvements from an upcoming extraction based on new lattice data, at smaller lattice spacings reaching shorter distances, and on lattice data on the singlet free energy at finite temperature at very small distances.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.365.0024
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